The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has ranked AGC amongst the top 200 companies with the highest environmental performance in the world.

The CDP is an international non-profit organisation working on environmental issues such as climate change.

It scores companies by reviewing its responses to questionnaires that covers categories of “climate change”, “water security”, and “forests”.

The companies are scored ranging from A to D- based on their responses.

AGC was selected for inclusion in the A List for the category of water security.

It surveyed and evaluated companies’ awareness and measures for water security risks through the their goals and strategies, water input, output and recycling of water usage etc.

AGC Group has engaged in various activities for environmental issues.

In the category of water security, AGC Group focuses on effective use of water resources and prevention of water pollution caused by its operation.

In addition to the activities above, other AGC’s proactive initiatives such as of reducing water usage and preventing water pollution resulted in the highest evaluation of A List for water security.