In recent months, glassglobal has concentrated to compile expert studies on float glass, container glass and low-iron patterned glass for PV modules with projects in the MENA region, West Africa and Europe.

A key feature today for target oriented decisions by companies are customised studies and glass industry research, that are a strong basis for independent advice also to investors into the glass industry.

Extensive market evaluation on international level is essential part of these decisions.

glassglobal studies are also covering highly topical themes such as energy prices, political state of affairs as well as future development of markets or products and can be completed by bankable business plans.

CEO, Mr. André Ommer said: "According to internal calculations and the announcement of EU regarding the climate targets until 2030, at least 10 new solar glass factories are requested to obtain these targets."

A glassglobal customer is Canadian Premium Sand, that will invest in the solar glass segment on the basis of the market and feasibility studies submitted by glassglobal.

These studies turn out to be also of high interest to suppliers that are approaching glassglobal, in order to have their market position analysed and consequently to determine future strategic moves.

Interested companies that want more details about PV, float or container glass business are invited to contact glassglobal experts via [email protected].