The groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hegla production site in Stockbridge, Henry County, Georgia USA has taken place.

Representatives of the Lewag Holding AG Executive Board, Hegla Group CEO Bernhard Hötger, and Hegla Corporation CEO Elmar Zeidler laid the cornerstone of the new production site on 1st August.

Mayor Anthony Ford and the entire Hegla team, along with other officials and people involved in the project were also in attendance.

The building, which will have approximately 3,050m² of office and warehouse space, is due to be completed by April 2020.

The general building commission has been awarded to SteelCo Buildings.

The grand opening ceremony, which will include a live demonstration of the final assembly process for customers and interested visitors, will follow in May 2020.

“Over the course of the next 12 to 18 months, we hope to create around 30 new jobs at the site, thus bringing the HEGLA Corp. workforce up to almost 50 employees,” explained Mr Hötger, CEO of the Hegla Group.

“The aim will be to keep expanding the production site; hopefully doubling its size in a few years’ time.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their dedicated support – we wouldn’t have been able to get this project off the ground so quickly without you,” said Jochen Hesselbach at the conclusion of his speech.

“We look forward to watching ournew Hegla site grow.”