Ludovic Ferrand
Future Industry Lab Manager


VERCANE Project : innovative methodologies to pave the way towards neutral carbon glass.

ENGIE, Fives, Saverglass and Verescence are jointly developing the VERCANE R&D project. The purpose of VERCANE is to support container glassmakers partners in their efforts to decarbonize glass production. A key challenge of decarbonization is the ability to identify carbon neutral energy vectors available on the territory of glass plants. To address this challenge, the partner are developing innovative methodologies, focusing on 3 mains vectors : hydrogen, bioresources and electrification. A multi-criteria analysis is developed to assess possible scenarios. In complement, VERCANE explores the adaptation of melting furnaces to the new vectors, to prepare industrial projects at scale. The project includes concrete case studies at production sites of Saverglass and Verescence.

VERCANE project is supported by ADEME, French Environment Agency.


Ludovic Ferrand is in charge of the Future Industry Lab, a thematic lab of Engie Research, focused on expertise and innovation for the industrial ecosystem of Engie. He has been working for 20 years in innovation on industrial processes, for international engineering groups. He addressed many fields of the industry like steel, glass, aluminium, focusing on energy performance and decarbonization solutions. His field of expertise cover industrial thermal processing, energy efficiency, heat recovery & valorization and decarbonized heating & cooling solutions. He holds a PhD in Energy Systems.