Ambev has commissioned Horn Glass Industries to build a sustainable furnace for its plant currently under construction in Brazil.

Ambev, a Brazil-based brewing company, is building a container glass plant in Carambei in the state of Paraná, Brazil.

The plant will produce bottles for brands such as Stella Artois, Beck’s and Spaten.

Additionally, it will supply Ambev breweries located across several states, including Paraná.

Horn will equip the new plant with a technologically advanced and sustainable glass melting furnace, as well as three forehearths for glass conditioning.

The 400 tpd furnace will manufacture container bottles in flint, amber and green colours.

Horn’s E-fusion power-boosting technology will allow the furnace to produce the maximum pull on all three colours with 6% or even up to 20% electrical share.

The furnace will be capable of operating on either natural gas, LPG or biofuels and will employ modern technology to achieve superior energy efficiency.

The forehearths will feature the Horn glass-conditioning system GCS 301-advanced design, allowing for the application of a wide range of gob temperatures to produce the bottles.

Horn will be responsible for the supply of the container glass furnace, all refractory materials, steel construction, E-fusion power boosting, auxiliary equipment, supervision, manpower for construction and tools for installation and commissioning.

The contractual scope also includes theoretical and practical training, as well as production support for 60 days in the post-commission period.