Brazilian glass manufacturer and brewer Ambev will build a new factory in the state of Parana to produce bottles made of recycled glass.
The company is expected to invest 870 million reais ($153.9 million) in the plant.
Ambev, a subsidiary of Belgium's Anheuser-Busch InBev, said the factory is expected to start operating in 2025.
According to Ambev, the announcement is in line with its goal of having 100% of its products in returnable or recycled packaging by 2025.
The factory will produce bottles from glass shards collected by reverse logistics companies and cooperatives, the company said, adding that each bottle could be reused more than 20 times per year.
Long neck, 300ml, 600ml and 1 litre bottles will be produced for various company labels, such as Brahma, Skol, Budweiser, Stella Artois, Becks and Spaten.
The factory will supply breweries in Paraná and several other states.
The new plant will be 100% supplied by renewable power and will be prepared to operate with biofuels.
It will have a plant to treat 100% of the effluents generated and reuse the water used in the process, as well as various technologies that guarantee high water and energy efficiency.
The investment was formalised with the governor of Paraná, Ratinho Júnior, government representatives and company executives.
Ambev's first glass factory, inaugurated in 2008 in Rio de Janeiro, is the glassmaker that works with the highest percentage of recycled material in Brazil.
This year, it made its first 100% recycled glass bottle in the country on an industrial scale.