Ardagh Glass Packaging was recognised for its sustainable production methods at the recent Edrington Supplier Awards.

The Edrington’s Supplier Awards recognises the premium spirits company’s suppliers for their performance and support throughout the year.

This year, Ardagh Glass Packaging (AGP)-UK collected the Best Sustainability Supplier of the Year award for its continuous improvement focus on 'The Macallan' single malt Scotch Whisky glass bottle (see left).

AGP-UK has supplied the iconic glass bottle for The Macallan brand since 2022.

It recently reduced the bottle’s weight by 85g for more sustainable production and transit, while maintaining its high quality.

Lesley Robinson, National Account Manager of AGP-UK, said: "We use recycled commercial flint glass cullet to produce The Macallan bottle, which lowers carbon emissions.

“Our colleagues at Edrington have been delighted with the resulting quality and clear colour of the glass, as well as its improved sustainability credentials.”

AGP-UK also collected a gold award in the Supplier Conformance category, which recognises suppliers for their quality performance and customer service throughout the year.