CelSian provided training on redox to teams from Groupe Pochet and SGD Pharma.
On the 28th and 29th of November 2022, Groupe Pochet and SGD Pharma met to attend CelSian’s Redox, Fining and Glass Quality training course, the content of which was specially adapted to meet their business needs.
Typically, the course starts with a definition of the redox state in the batch, melt, and final glass. Then, it describes how redox influences the melting and fining process, foaming behaviour, seeds formation, and colour variations. The aim is to help attendees diagnose redox-related issues and find solutions faster.
The training was given for the first time in French by CelSian Academy Director Corinne Claireaux, who came to share her knowledge about the complex physicochemical phenomenon that is redox.
CelSian expressed their gratitude towards Groupe Pochet and SGD Pharma for their warm welcome and the interest shown by their teams throughout the two days of training.
The course will be running in March 2023, or CelSian can provide in-company training.
To submit a request, please write to CelSian at [email protected]