FEVE’s Fabrice Rivet is one of the speakers lined up for the upcoming Future of Furnaces online conference on 14th-15th September 2021.

Mr Rivet will present the keynote paper on ‘Securing our Industry’s Future: Towards Climate-Neutral Container Glass’ at 09:00am on the opening day of the event.

To celebrate FEVE’s participation at the event, you can get a 10% discount by using the code FEVE at: https://eventdata.uk/Forms/Form.aspx?FormRef=FOF91Visitor

The online event will unite the glass, aluminium and steel sectors to discuss overcoming heat treatment challenges and present a collaborative approach to bring the Furnace of the Future to life.

Topics will focus on:

  • Adoption of Industry 4.0
  • Furnace Maintenance
  • Heat Treatment
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Testing & Measurement
  • Retrofitting
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Operations & Productivity

Alongside the two-day conference, participants will also be invited to join live discussions and will have the opportunity to network with new industry contacts, arrange video meetings and exchange resources and information.

The full conference lineup can be found here: https://aluminiumtoday.com/fur...