FEVE’s (European Container Glass Federation) ‘Furnace for the Future’ project has taken a step forward after a dossier was sent to the European Commission to help fund the project.

The ‘Furnace for the Future’ project brings together European container glass manufacturers including Ardagh Group, Vidrala and O-I to build the world’s first large-scale hybrid electric furnace to run on 80% green electricity.

The pilot project is said to be a breakthrough technology that will allow us to switch to green energy like electricity. It will be the world’s first large-scale hybrid oxy-fuel furnace to run on 80% renewable electricity.

A total of 19 industry companies have joined forces to create, fund and test a pilot furnace project under real-life conditions to see if it can fully meet both technical and market criteria.

Ardagh has volunteered to build the furnace in Germany, which will be built by 2022, with first results in 2023.

FEVE has sent documents to the European Commission’s EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) Finance for the Innovation Fund Programme in 2020.

More information about the project can be found here: https://feve.org/about-glass/f...