The International Commission on Glass (ICG) has broadcasted the first screening of its presentation to promote a United Nations International Year of Glass for 2022.

The presentation underlined the technological, scientific and economic importance of glass and showed the importance of the material to meet the challenges of reducing global carbon emissions.

Extensive planning is underway to celebrate a UN Year of Glass in 2022, including a kick-off event in Geneva, an ICG congress in Berlin, a worldwide congress on glass technology in Shanghai and a global art/history congress.

1140 letters of endorsements from 76 countries have already been received to show support for a year of glass.

All the documents required by United Nations have been delivered and the Resolution should be sent to its General Assembly for approval during December 2020.

The full presentation included a video on the role of glass in building an equitable and sustainable society.

Documents and information regarding the International Year of Glass are available via