Parliamentarians and dignitaries gathered at the House of Lords to promote glass’s past and its future impact.

A glass industry and supply chain centric lunch was held at the House of Lords on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 sponsored by Lord David Prior, Chairman of NHS England. Over 80 delegates attended.

The lunch, orchestrated by Glass Futures and British Glass in support of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers Charity Fund, set out to celebrate the United Nation’s International Year of Glass 2022.

The Age of Glass initiative demonstrates how the glass community is supporting UN Sustainable Developmental Goals (UNSDG 2030 agenda): (1) responsible production and sustainability; (2) innovation and infrastructure; (3) affordable and clean energy; (4) climate action; (5) education and gender equality.

Over lunch, a number of prestigious speakers, introduced by Richard Katz, Glass Futures’ CEO, spoke about their passion for the future of glass.

Richard Katz said: “At this time of extreme energy prices, we were delighted BEIS Industry Minister, Lee Rowley MP, and CBI President, Lord Karan Bilimoria, together with a number of MPs, BEIS and UKRI officers, could join senior representatives from regional authorities and the glass industries at the House of Lords lunch. […]

“Glass Futures aims to accelerate collaboration across the global glass supply chain to support the industry’s sustainability journey, demonstrate and deliver disruptive technologies and generate new ideas with a positive impact all the way through to the consumer.”

Dave Dalton, British Glass CEO, said: “Parliamentarians and dignitaries gathered to celebrate both what has been done already, but more importantly the continuing work of the sector through British Glass, Glass Futures and Glass Technology Services, driving the agenda for all foundation sector industries and for UK manufacturing excellence.”

The full article will be available in the April issue of the magazine.