There is not long left to submit your entries for the Glass Focus Awards 2020, with all entry forms to be emailed to [email protected] by noon on Friday 2nd October 2020.

Entries will be judged against the published criteria, which you can see in our Guide for entrants. Make sure you read them carefully and emphasise these aspects in your entry.

So, whether you’re finalising your entry or just beginning there is not long left.

This year’s categories are:

• Design of the year – container
• Design of the year – flat
• Innovative solution
• Health and safety action
• Sustainable practice
• Rising Star
• Strengthening business through people
• Marketing impact

The event will take place from 4.30 - 6pm BST on 12th November where the category winners will be named.

It will also include the British Glass business of the year and will feature an update from CEO Dave Dalton.

Full criteria, the entry form, and details on how to enter can be found on the website.