The one day training course will be held on Monday June 3, 2019 at Ametek Land in Dronfield, UK and is aimed at Batch and Furnace department and associated personnel.

The primary audience is furnace operators, supervisors and supporting staff in Environmental, Maintenance, Engineers and related suppliers.

Upon completion of the workshop participants should be:

 aware of basic combustion technology within the context of energy use and emissions legislation;

 able to describe the basic processes of burner adjustment for good furnace operation;

 confident in applying a troubleshooting and combustion optimisation processes; and

 aware of oxy-fuel and emerging burner technologies.

As a result of recent emission legislation many plants have to meet increased emissions limits specifically for NOx.

In many companies there are only one or two personnel who know how the current low NOx burners work and have the confidence to adjust burners.

This is frequently the highest single point of energy utilisation on a glass plant.

The goal of the morning session is to give all operators a basic understanding of combustion and burner adjustment for good furnace operation with confidence to start the troubleshooting or optimisation process.

To conclude there will be an overview of oxy-fuel and other new technology.

Cost £495 plus VAT per person including lunch and refreshments

A certificate of attendance will be provided and a pdf of critical slides. (Discount £435 plus VAT for those attending 2nd day’s course, SGT Furnace Solutions or Training Day

Contact [email protected] to reserve places or further details.

Attendees are responsible for arranging and cost of any travel to the event(s).

Neil Simpson is an Independent Consultant and Combustion Specialist able to bring hands-on experience of combustion trouble-shooting and optimisation.

The course is sponsored by Ametek Land.