With the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, everybody’s life has been subject to a big change, and that is no different for Revimac.

Manufacturing-wise, the operation got almost back to normality at the beginning of summer, but it was not the same when we talk about the installation services Revimac used to carry out at customer plants.

Several installations, especially abroad, have been postponed for the most or supported by remote assistance and video conferencing.

To manage and organise services to the glass factories has always been complicated in Europe due to the strong safety measures and services are strictly regulated due to the harsh environment.

But in this period many other health protection rules to prevent the Covid spread have been applied.

Nowadays some behaviours are taken from granted like wearing a face mask, measuring the temperature when entering the plant and using hand-washing gel but then there’s a lot of arbitrary and unpredicted request different plant by plant that hit logistics and human resources cost.

Disposable overall and general personal protective equipment are nowadays double in cost, special helmets with facial protection are mandatory in some plants.

Some factories took care of dedicated structures such as locker rooms, dining rooms and toilets needed when performing maintenance but some other did not.

Some others just limited access to those structures, followed by many Covid-19 tests for all going to or re-entering from projects abroad.

Last but not least, Revimac colleagues performing installations abroad had suffered heavy restrictions during hard lockdown and curfew, that locked them into their hotel rooms at evening and during the weekend, denying also the well-deserved recreational time after a hard day of work.

This situation in some cases went on for many and many weeks, months, away from home.

All those problems have been a big mountain to climb and were a big burden on the human side, the organization and the economic.

Glass container making has got a somehow magic appeal and when the installation of an IS machine is done and one is looking to the line operating flawlessly at high speed, it truly seems a work of magic, but it’s not.

As a matter of fact, it is a superb work of engineering designed, managed, handled, delivered and installed by devoted people with a real love for glass that, despite all odds, keep going abroad and risking health under these severe circumstances, with sometimes a bad outlook for the near future.