Saint-Gobain is to invest Rs 1,100 crore (US $151 million) to the state of Rajasthan, India as a part of a phased expansion plan.

The proposed investment will see more than 300 jobs created in the region of Bhiwadi and Alwar, making Rajasthan the headquarters for Saint-Gobain’s increasing Asian demand for float glass.

Saint-Gobain said that its proposed investment comes after the company has already invested over Rs 1,200 crore (US $165 million) in the state since 2010, creating more than 1,100 jobs.

B Santhanam, Chairman, Saint-Gobain Group in India, said: "In line with our strategy for accelerated growth in India, Saint-Gobain will invest in a new float glass plant in our world glass complex, Bhiwadi.

Rajasthan is the ideal state for this investment as it has abundant availability of raw materials, an excellent talent pool and most importantly a progressive and dynamic Government.

This new investment of around Rs 1,100 crore would help us to produce advanced and value-added products for the growing construction and automotive markets in India."