Stara Glass has completed tests for an Air-Gas and Oxy-Gas H₂ burner prototype as part of the H2Glass project.

The tests were carried out at Fives' European Combustion Centre in Piacenza, Italy, using the company's experimental furnaces.

Stara Glass assessed the burner’s performance across various configurations, testing fuel blends from 100% methane to 100% hydrogen.

Key evaluations included flame stability, NOx emissions, and energy efficiency.

The results demonstrated potential for reducing emissions and optimising energy use in glass production.

The aim of the H2Glass project is to create technology for the glass industry to achieve 100% hydrogen combustion in production facilities.

Stara Glass is developing two sets of burners, for regenerative and oxy-fired furnaces.

The burners will be able to burn any 0-100% natural gas and hydrogen mix.

Ernesto Cattaneo, Head of the Innovation Department at Stara Glass, said: “We have already tested hydrogen combustion in two plants.

“In the next two years we will repeat the tests in other facilities, and we will be able to use our burners.”