Surplus Solutions will conduct a major online auction to sell the assets of Solar Seal, located in Easton, USA.
The global industrial auction company will hold the auction in conjunction with Joseph Finn Company, and is expected to feature manufacturing equipment for model architectural glass products.
Solar Seal is a custom fabricator of architectural glass products. In addition to tempered, insulating and decorative glass; all-glass entrances; and shower enclosures; the company offers cutting, edging, drilling, fabricating and sandblasting services.
The auction will open on Thursday, September 1, 2022, and will begin closing on Thursday, September 8th at 11:00am EST.
There will be a two-day preview and inspection open to the public on Monday September 1st and Tuesday September 2nd from 9:00am - 4:00pm.
Andrew Duncan, Vice President Global Auctions at Surplus Solutions, said: “The Solar Seal Auction will provide buyers a unique opportunity to purchase late model Architectural Glass Products Manufacturing Equipment at a reduced cost with no delays.
“All of the assets are available immediately with no supply chain issues or any delays. The 88,000 Sq Ft Facility is also available for lease. For any buyer interested in both the equipment and taking over the lease, it is a unique turnkey opportunity and can be up in running in only a few weeks.”
Auctioneer accepting pre-auction offers on major equipment. All interested parties can find full auction details including equipment listings, photos, videos, lot catalogue, and bidding instructions here.