Verallia will more than double the glass packaging production capacity at its Jacutinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil plant with a €60 million investment in a plant expansion.

The world's third largest food and beverages glass packaging producer said the investment will include a second furnace which will increase capacity from 1 million to 2.3 million bottles a day.

The expansion is aimed to meet the increased demand in the beer and alcoholic segments with amber and green bottles. The production will primarily serve the domestic segment and be completed in 2023.

Quintin Testa, South America General Director, said: “Increasing our productive capacity was already in the plans. Verallia is a very solid company in Brazil and globally, which invests over the long term.

"We waited for the right moment, even considering the market conditions and contracts with our customers."

The factory will promote the generation of at least 90 direct jobs and another 50 indirect jobs, which will practically double the plant total number of employees.

During the construction, the outsourced contingent should reach 1000 employees.

Inaugurated in July 2019, the Jacutinga plant was installed with modern technology, which allows it to respond to the demands of quality and growth.

It includes last generation atmospheric emissions treatment system (electrostatic precipitator) and a modern domestic and industrial effluent treatment plant, in closed circuit. All effluents treated in this system are reused internally, without external disposal.

Verallia also has operations in Brazil in in Porto Ferreira and Campo Bom factories and a creation centre for new products development in São Paulo.